Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Blog Entry Sitemap

How Do You Know You Are Forgiven? (1 John 1:9)
How do you use Greek in the pulpit?
How Many Categories of Translations are There?
How Many Times Did Jesus Offer Forgiveness from the Cross? (Luke 23:34)
How Much of the Spirit do You Possess? (John 3:34)
How much should we ask of our students? (Mark 12:28)
How Rude was Jesus?
How the article can be translated "the," "this," our "our" (1 Tim 1:5)
How to say “No” really loud
How to Talk about Sin Without Using Religious Language
How to tell a Story in Greek (1 Tim 1:6)
How to Translate Meaning
How Would a Fisherman Respond to Someone Yelling, “Children?” (John 21:5)
I Belong to the Lord, My Very Steps (Jeremiah 10:23)
I Can Do All things (Phil 4:13)
I Need Your Help with “Purse” (Luke 12:33)
I wish you (some) pain
Idioms and Context (1 Cor 2:7)
Idioms can be painful to translate, especially if you're not sure what they mean.
If Only We Knew what μόνον Means (2 Thess 2:7)
Imperfect, and How to Think about Grammar
In spirit and truth (John 4:23)
In What Sense Do I Still Live? (Gal 2:20)
In what sense was Joseph "righteous"? (Matthew 1:19)
In your anger, do not sin (Eph 4:26)
Indicative and Subjunctive (1 John 4:7, 19)
Inspiration and Translation (Acts 11:22)
Introduction to the imperfect
Is 1 Cor 13 Poetry?
Is a moros a moron (Matt 7:26)?
Is a Real Widow One whose Husband is Really Dead? (1 Tim 5:3)
Is Celibacy the “Right” Thing? (1 Cor 7:37)
Is Everyone in your Church going to Heaven?
Is Everything that Happens Good? (Rom 8:28)
Is Faith Merely Assurance (Heb 11:1)?
Is God’s Discipline Teaching or Chastisement? (Hebrews 12:3-11)
Is is permissible to remove an emphasis? (2 Thess 2:8)
Is it "You" or "Y'all"? (1 Cor 6:19)
Is it ever right to be angry? (Matt 5:22)
Is it the Spirit or his Gifts? (1 Cor 14:1)
Is it “He” or “Which” that Sanctifies? (Heb 2:11)
Is it “if” or “since”?
Is Jesus "A" god or "The" God? (John 1:1)
Is Jesus God? (Rom 9:5)
Is Jesus the Only Way?
Is Paul’s apostolic call for God’s sake? (Rom 1:5)
Is Philosophy inherently evil?
Is Prayer Part of God's Armor? (Eph 6:18)
Is sanctification a process? (1 John 3:3)
Is Sin an Active and Foreign Agent in your Body? (James 4:1)
