Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Blog Entry Sitemap

Why is Ἰάκωβος James and not Jacob?
Why Must Perseverance Finish? (James 1:4)
Why Should Older Women Teach What is Good? (Titus 2:4)
Why would any law be against Virtues? (Gal 2:23)?
Wives or Deaconesses? (γυνή in 1 Tim 3:11)
Wives “Submit” or “Respect”? (Eph 5:22,33)
Women, Wives, or Deaconesses? (1 Tim 3:11)
Word Study on Church
Word Study: “Affection” (σπλάγχνον)
Words, and Word of God (καί)
αἴρω in John 15:2
ἀπό, glosses, and "away from" (2 Tim 1:3)
γάρ and Paragraph Divisions
γένεσις and the title of Matthew's gospel
ἐγώ εἰμι in John 18:5
καί and an Apparent Contradiction
καί and the Support of Widows (1 Tim 5:5)
μελλω and the future (Rom 8:13)
ψαλλω and Musical Instruments
“A Teacher” or “The Teacher”? (John 3:10)
“Act like Men” (1 Cor 16:13)
“All” What? (Jn 12:32)
“And don’t let us yield to temptation” (Mt 6:13)
“Cast all your anxiety on him” (1 Peter 5:7)
“Everyone” or “Anyone” (Rom 10:13) and Personal News
“Fighting without and fear within” (2 Cor 7:5)
“Fighting without and fear within” (2 Cor 7:5)
“For what is exalted among people is an abomination before God” (Luke 16:15)
“Give the Glory to God” (John 9:24)
“Heathy” or “Sound” (1 Tim 1:10)
“He” or “It” is Near (Mk 13:29)
“Law” or “the Law” (Rom 6:15)
“Make Yourself God” (John 10:33)
“Man of God” or “All God’s People” (2 Tim 3:17)
“May,” “Might,” and Adverbial Participles
“My Deposit” (2 Tim 1:12)
“Narrow gate” (Matt 7:13-14)
“Naturally obey the law” (Rom 2:14)
“Not … without … except” is too difficult (Matt 13:57)
“Out with the New; the Old is Better!” (Luke 5:39)
“Real” Circumcision (Rom 2:28–19)
“Real” Jews: Revisited (Romans 2:28)
“Say,” or “Begin to Say”? (Luke 23:30)
“Sick” or “Sick People” (Mark 6:55)
“Swear by God” (Mark 5:7)
“The Pure Words of God” and the Sabbath
“Those from [παρά] him” (Mark 3:21)
“White“ or “Ready for Harvest” (John 4:35)
“Who was, and Is, and Is to come” (Rev 1:4)
“You Do Not Receive Our Testimony” (John 3:11)
