Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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3. Contradictions

In this chapter, we will look at how apparent contradictions in the Gospels can be solved through correct interpretation and an understanding of how the Gospels were compiled.

For discussions of apparent Bible contradictions that Bill was not able to discuss in the book, see here.

Discussion questions

  1. What are a few of the apparent contradictions you’ve seen in the Bible?
  2. Do you believe the Bible has errors? Why or why not?
  3. Do you know of people who say they don’t trust the Bible because of contradictions, but in truth they don’t even know of any contradictions? Why do you think they claimed there were contradictions?
  4. Why is interpretation important when analyzing apparent contradictions in the Bible?
  5. If a friend has total faith in science and the Bible is therefore full of errors, how are you going to talk with them?
  6. In what ways might the accounts in the Gospels be affected by the authors’ purposes? What is the Synoptic Problem?
  7. What is “harmonization”? What role does it play when reading the Bible? Do you have to prove that a harmonization is true?