For an Informed Love of God
Biblical Greek
In the first year of Biblical Greek, you will learn the building blocks of the language. It will require time and commitment, but the goal is worth the effort; you will be able to read Greek with minimal help from the tools.
Below you will find listed everything you need to learn biblical Greek: the free online class; the Greek lectures (for sale); the texbooks and other resources. Be sure to check out the menu “Resources” for other items such as answers to the exercises.
Throughout the educational classes on this website, you can click on the Professor to hear him teach you about biblical Greek.
I wanted to express my thanks. Greek was a very difficult language for me, perhaps because it had been decades since I had learned another language. But your textbook, workbook, DVD, vocabulary cards and laminated card made it so much easier for me. I'm so glad my professor used your textbook. Looking at the textbooks used by other seminaries, I doubt I would have even passed let alone obtained all A's. Thank you and God bless you! —Michael
Sit down with Bill Mounce, the author of Basics of Biblical Greek and walk together through his textbook together. These videos, along with all the free resources on this website, can help you achieve your goal of the reading the New Testament in the Greek. Join the 400,000 people who have learned New Testament Greek with Basics of Biblical Greek.
You will need these two books to learn biblical Greek.
The Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar

The most used introductory Greek grammar in the English-speaking world. Over 300,000 copies in print. Blends the best of the inductive and deductive methods of learning, reduces memory work to a minimum, and constantly reminds you that you are learning Greek for ministry.
The Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook

Accompanying workbook for the grammar. Each chapter has parsing drills followed by warmup exercises, ten Bible verses, two made-up sentences, and eight more passages from the Bible. There are many helps in our online course that follows the workbook.
Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards

Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards are keyed to Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, have frequency numbers included, and contain principle parts of verbs. These cards are a convenient way for students to quiz themselves on new Greek words being learned.
Biblical Greek Laminate Sheet

This laminated sheet enables students and pastors to see critical material at a glance and serves them well as they review for tests, for comprehensive exams, and for later on in life.
Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide

Offers students, pastors, and teachers who only need reminders of language basics a summary of the important but introductory issues contained in the original grammar. Paradigms, lexicons, and brief discussions appear without their more detailed morphological and grammatical discussions. This easy-to-use, one-stop guide to biblical Greek is a must-have resource.
Free Online Class

This free online class will walk you through every chapter of Basics of Biblical Greek. It is all free except for the lectures. In each chapter you will find blogs to encourage your study, chapter overviews, vocabulary (standard and modern pronunciation) and memory mnemonics, workbook exercises (with audio and text hints, and the answers), quizzes (with keys), and PowerPoint presentations for the workbook for display in class.
The website still follows the third edition of BBG, but there are answers sheets and other resources that follow the fourth edition. Click on the "Resources" link above.