For an Informed Love of God
Bill Mounce
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11. ἐὰν ἱστῶμεν ἐπι …
eja;n iJstw:men ejpi; th/: oJdw/: tw:n aJmartanovntwn, ouj dexovmeqa th;n cavrin tou: qeou: ajll= ajpolesovmeqa ejn tw/: aijwnivw/ puriv.
For an Informed Love of God
eja;n iJstw:men ejpi; th/: oJdw/: tw:n aJmartanovntwn, ouj dexovmeqa th;n cavrin tou: qeou: ajll= ajpolesovmeqa ejn tw/: aijwnivw/ puriv.