For an Informed Love of God
Bill Mounce
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Vocabulary form:
qeovV, -ou:, -oJ
God, god
Theology is the study of God.
Mnemonic Singing:
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand.
“ ‘Emmanuel’ is translated ‘θεός is with us.’ ” (Matt 1:23)
“I found also an altar on which was inscribed, ‘To an unknown θεός.’ ” (Acts 17:23)
Biblical Concordance
Mark 3:11 | And the unclean spirits, unclean whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried out, saying, “You are the Son of God!” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 3:35 | For whoever For does the will of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), this one is my brother my and my sister and my mother.” is |
Mark 4:11 | And he said to them, “To you has been given the mystery has been given of the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), but to those but outside, everything is in parables, everything is |
Mark 4:26 | And he said, “The kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) is like a man who scatters seed on the ground. |
Mark 4:30 | Then he said, “To what can we compare the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), or what it? parable can we use for it? |
Mark 5:7 | Crying out in a loud voice, loud he exclaimed, “What have you to do with me, you Jesus, Son of the God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc)? Most High God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc)? Swear to God (theon | θεόν | acc sg masc) that you will not torment me!” |
Mark 7:8 | Neglecting the command of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), you maintain the tradition of men.” |
Mark 7:9 | And he said to them, “You are clever at setting aside the command of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) in order to establish your own tradition. |
Mark 7:13 | Thus you invalidate the word of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) with your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many similar things.” |
Mark 8:33 | But after turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not thinking the thoughts of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), but those of men.” |
Mark 9:1 | And he said to them, “I tell you the truth, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) having come with power.” |
Mark 9:47 | And if your eye causes you to sin, throw it away; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) having one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell, |
Mark 10:9 | Therefore what God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) has joined together, let not man divide.” |
Mark 10:14 | But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me. Do not prevent them, for of such is the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc). |
Mark 10:15 | I tell you the truth, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) as a child will never enter it.” |
Mark 10:18 | But Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except one — God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc). |
Mark 10:23 | And looking around, Jesus said to his disciples, “How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 10:24 | The disciples were shocked at his words. But Jesus, responding again, said to them, “Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 10:25 | It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 10:27 | Looking at them, Jesus said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc); for all things are possible with God.” (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc) |
Mark 11:22 | And answering, Jesus said to them, “Have faith in God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc). |
Mark 12:14 | When they came they said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are truthful and that the opinion of another is of no concern to you. For you do not regard the position of men, but you truly teach the way of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc). Is it lawful to pay tax to Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not pay?” |
Mark 12:17 | Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but give to God (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc) what belongs to God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) And they were amazed at him. |
Mark 12:24 | Jesus said to them, “Are you not mistaken for this reason, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc)? |
Mark 12:26 | But concerning the dead, that they are raised, have you not read in the book of Moses in the passage about the bush, how God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) spoke to him saying, ‘I am the God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) of Abraham and the God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) of Isaac and the God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) of Jacob’? |
Mark 12:27 | He is not God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) of the dead, but of the living. You are greatly mistaken!” |
Mark 12:29 | Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, Israel, the Lord our God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc), the Lord is one; |
Mark 12:30 | and you shall love the Lord your God (theon | θεόν | acc sg masc) with your whole heart, and with your whole life, and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.’ |
Mark 12:34 | And Jesus, seeing that the scribe had answered wisely, said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) And no one dared to question him any more. |
Mark 13:19 | because those will be days of such tribulation as has never happened from the beginning of creation, which God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) created, until now, nor ever will be. |
Mark 14:25 | I tell you the truth, I will not again drink from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 15:34 | And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God (theos | θεός | voc sg masc), my God (theos | θεός | voc sg masc), why did you forsake me?” |
Mark 15:39 | And when the centurion, who was standing in front of him, saw that in this way he had died, he said, “Truly, this man was the son of God!” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Mark 15:43 | Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who also himself was expecting the kingdom of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), went boldly to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. |
Mark 16:19 | Then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc). |
Luke 1:6 | And they were both righteous before God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), walking blamelessly in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. |
Luke 1:8 | Now it happened, while he was serving as priest when his priestly division was on duty, |
Luke 1:16 | and he will restore many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God (theon | θεόν | acc sg masc). |
Luke 1:19 | And the angel answered, him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), and I was sent to speak to you, and to tell you the good news of these things. |
Luke 1:26 | In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) to a town of Galilee named Nazareth, |
Luke 1:30 | And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc). |
Luke 1:32 | This very one will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) will give him the throne of his father David. |
Luke 1:35 | And the angel answered, saying to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you: therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called the Son of God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc). |
Luke 1:37 | For nothing will be impossible for God.” (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc) |
Luke 1:47 | and my spirit rejoices because of God (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc) my Savior, |
Luke 1:64 | Instantly his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak, praising God (theon | θεόν | acc sg masc). |
Luke 1:68 | “Blessed be the Lord God (theos | θεός | nom sg masc) of Israel, for he has visited and brought redemption to his people. |
Luke 1:78 | because of the tender mercies of our God (theou | θεοῦ | gen sg masc), by which the rising sun of heaven will visit us, |
Luke 2:13 | And suddenly there was, with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God (theon | θεόν | acc sg masc) and saying, |
Luke 2:14 | “Glory to (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc) God (theō | θεῷ | dat sg masc) in the highest heaven, and peace on earth among those whom he has favored!” |
The Greek spelling is easier than the Hebrew spelling.